2.40 Meydan |
31st Jan 25 2:40 pm |
1m 1f Stakes |
Each way 1/5 odds 1-2-3 |
No. | Selection | Previous Prices | Price |
1 | Exculpation B Pinheiro | SP | |
2 | Alwayscallme S Al Balushi | SP | |
3 | Channagide R Dawson | SP | |
4 | Estmrar S De Sousa | SP | |
5 | Honest Moon C Beasley | SP | |
6 | Little Foot A De Vries | SP | |
7 | Maestro Del Mar M Ghiani | SP | |
8 | Undefeated T O'shea | SP | |
9 | Yuvraaj D Tudhope | SP |
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