4.45 Newcastle |
10th Jan 25 4:45 pm |
1m 0f 5y Stakes |
Each way 1/5 odds 1-2-3 |
No. | Selection | Previous Prices | Price |
1 | Sovereign Sea J Mitchell | SP | |
2 | Bragbor Darragh Keenan | SP | |
3 | Chantilly Moon P Mulrennan | SP | |
4 | Kingdom Of Time Laura Coughlan | SP | |
5 | Parkland O J Orr | SP | |
6 | Without Compromise Cam Hardie | SP | |
7 | Bella Puledra Sean Kirrane | SP | |
8 | Encircle Kaiya Fraser | SP | |
9 | Jam Lass O Mcsweeney | SP |
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